Currently, in the business context, due to the relevance and
necessity of policies aiming socioenvironmental preservation, many organizations
have being pressured to invest in new ideals and actions that generate less social and
environmental impacts, besides the adoption of sustainable practices in their management. This study seeks to analyze and identify sustainable practices carried out
by a Cosmetics Company in two countries: Brazil, where its subsidiary is located
and in the United Kingdom, where its head office is based, with more established
sustainable practices. In order to carry out the study, examples of sustainable socioenvironmental actions were analyzed and collected in the literature and in websites of
recognized institutions as examples of sustainable good practices, to compare later
them with practices used by the Cosmetics Company. Thus, this paper presents a
comparative analysis between existing environmental policies used in Brazil and
England, and how they affect the practice and management of the same company in
these two countries. In both cases, socioenvironmental sustainability actions were
identified as an effective part of each company organizational culture, but there are
also differentiated positions in some areas of action, as well as significant differences
in socioenvironmental and business policies of both countries.