Os Anais do II CONFAAT, que ora apresentamos, revelam por si só quanto nosso
Congresso de Pesquisa e Iniciação Científica cresceu e vem tornando-se espaço
relevante de divulgação de pesquisas realizadas na FAAT e em ...
Awareness of Sustainability Issues is to understand
the fragility of the environment and the
importance of its protection, thinking in terms of
an ecological consciousness. It is related with the
growth and development ...
O presente artigo trata de uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental de caráter exploratório e descritivo que teve como objetivo analisar dois eventos extremos climáticos de chuvas intensas e estiagem prolongada em 2009/2010 ...
Among the challenges to sustainability, urban sprawl and an increasing demand
for resources and energy can be mentioned. In the state of São Paulo, Brazil, an
intense process of industrialization and urbanization has ...
Generation and destination of solid waste in
cities has caused worldwide diverse socioenvironmental problems, among them the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) resulting from
the decomposition of the organic fraction of ...
Efforts to achieve a just and sustainable future
must recognize the rights, dignity, and capabilities
of the whole world’s population and acknowledge
gender equity. To be effective, policy actions for
sustainability ...
Incentives andGrants for Sustainable Development are related with policies, agreements and subsidies that stimulate and support the incorporation of well-designed environmental management practices and corporate social ...
Aims: Megaprojects development has generated changes in the socioeconomic and environmental
structure of several regions. This paper aims to analyse socioenvironmental changes in 10
municipalities located along the D. ...
A presente pesquisa apresenta um estudo de caso sobre um município do Estado de São Paulo - Piracaia - cujas Políticas Públicas são concebidas em consonância com a conservação do meio ambiente e preservação de ecossistemas, ...
Public Policies on Education for Sustainable
Development focuses on policy options to
improve the integration of environmental considerations
into the working of the economic system
and to address some of the social ...
Currently, in the business context, due to the relevance and
necessity of policies aiming socioenvironmental preservation, many organizations
have being pressured to invest in new ideals and actions that generate less ...
Sustainable development can be considered as a
guide for building a society that integrates economic,
social and environmental issues in all its
spheres. This concept must be pursued by everyone
in a variety of ways, ...
Our research and teaching work have been guided by a preceding theme, which can be syn thesised as the relationship between environmental changes, quality of life and subjectiv ity. In those analyses, we consider the model ...
Sustainability Perception can occur in diverse ways since the environment is perceived by individuals in multiple and differentiated ways and understanding occurs from a subjective perspective based on a concrete reality. ...
Sustainability policies can be characterized as
dynamic, complex, and interactive systems
through which environmental problems are identified and countered by creating new policies or by
reforming existing policies with ...
This paper reports on a research (FAPESP 2019/08044-3) on the impor tance of sustainability, through the 17 Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs)
defined by Agenda 2030 with a particular emphasis to SDG 5 which deals with ...
The search for sustainability has promoted debates, analysis and programs
for the elaboration and implementation of environmental policies in various society
sectors. In this process, the inherent complexity of understanding ...
Aims: To assess weather variability and climate change impacts on the mental health of a small
fishing community in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Study Design: To this study, a fishing community strongly familiarized with the region ...